DUO - $6.00 Tickets HERE! Improv Seattle - Comedy, Improv, Sketch - Thursday Duo Show The Gumwall

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Circa 1994 Unexpected Productions video
Featuring Joel McHale and a Gum-free wall!

  The Video to the right was a promo video produced by Unexpected Production in 1994. If you are a fan of UP, you may recognize a load of familiar faces (20 years younger, of course!)

Among them are:
Keith Dahlgren
Michael White
Randy Dixon
Joel McHale
Chris Tharp
Barb Klansnic
Selena Paquiet
Bruce Oberg
Greg Stackhouse
Jay Hitt
Annie Lareau
Jill Farris
Ron Hippe
Pam Mann

Comedy duo Michael Bils & Greg Stackhouse improvise one of the funniest Shakespeare scenes Dec 2008!


Jay Hitt and 3 year old Caitlin Hitt, father and daughter, perform stand-up comedy at the Duo Comedy Improv Showcase with an act called Pee Pee April 9, 2009.



Ron & Michelle Hippe (of Duo DONKEY DONKEY) perform as a duo for the 54 hour improvathon June 2008.


Chazz Kaskes & Chris "Woodie" Woodhouse perform a funny improv scene about a popsickle stick April 9th 2009.



SISTERS OF SAL John Faga & Ian Shemp perform Duo showcase April 9, 2009. Watch the very funny and very long introduction to there scene with lots of banter!  MORE SISTERS OF SAL AT DUO


IL TRUBATORES, Tim Tracy & Marc Carvajal perform this musical improv scene in the Duo showcase Oct 23, 2008. 



Improv School info

A cool comercial teaser for Seattle Theatresports!      
Joel LaBahn & Dan Postorino


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 Improv Seattle is produced by Unexpected Productions and is dedicated to bringing the comical arts together through collaborative performance.
Unexpected Productions is a non-profit 501c-3 corporation