Circa 1994 Unexpected Productions video Featuring Joel McHale and a Gum-free wall! |
The Video to the right was a promo video produced by Unexpected
Production in 1994. If you are a fan of UP, you may recognize a load of
familiar faces (20 years younger, of course!) Among them are: Keith Dahlgren Michael White Randy Dixon Joel McHale Chris Tharp Barb Klansnic Selena Paquiet Bruce Oberg Greg Stackhouse Jay Hitt Annie Lareau Jill Farris Ron Hippe Pam Mann |
Comedy duo Michael Bils & Greg Stackhouse improvise one of the funniest Shakespeare scenes Dec 2008! |
Jay Hitt and 3 year old Caitlin Hitt, father and daughter, perform stand-up comedy at the Duo Comedy Improv Showcase with an act called Pee Pee April 9, 2009. |
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Ron & Michelle Hippe (of Duo DONKEY DONKEY) perform as a duo for the 54 hour improvathon June 2008. |
O | Chazz Kaskes & Chris "Woodie" Woodhouse perform a funny improv scene about a popsickle stick April 9th 2009. |
SISTERS OF SAL John Faga & Ian Shemp perform Duo showcase April 9, 2009. Watch the very funny and very long introduction to there scene with lots of banter! MORE SISTERS OF SAL AT DUO |
IL TRUBATORES, Tim Tracy & Marc Carvajal perform this musical improv scene in the Duo showcase Oct 23, 2008. |
Improv School info |
A cool comercial teaser for Seattle Theatresports! | ||||
MORE DUO VIDEOS Joel LaBahn & Dan Postorino SISTERS OF SAL |